Resources for Gardening Help
These Might Help You
We use the following resources to answer your questions. You might find it easier to go straight to the source.
CTAHR Tropical Topics
We call this the Swiss Army Knife for Hawai’i’s Gardeners. We think you’ll agree.
Plant Snap
A plant expert at your fingertips. Identify plants, flowers, cacti, succulents and mushrooms in seconds with the click of a button on your mobile device.
CTAHR Website
A wealth of information on all horticultural topics relevant to our area.
Hawai'i Plant ID
A Flickr Group dedicated to Hawai’i’s plants and correct identification.
Hawai'i Insect ID
A Flickr Group dedicated to correct identification of insects and pests.
Scot Nelson Flickr
A Flickr site dedicated to plant ailments – diseases and pests. Dr. Nelson is a tropical disease epidemiology and management specialist.
CTAHR Collection Practices
An article describing the basic requirements for collecting, preserving and submitting plant insect and disease samples to the Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center (ADSC), a division of CTAHR Cooperative Extension.
Soil Testing Services
An essential element for success in gardening is knowing your soil. Please press the button below to find out more about Soil Testing Services available.