How do you grow coffee on Maui? Do I plant in sun or not?
“Infrastructure established on old coffee plantation for future housing development in foothills of West Maui Mountains, Maui, Hawaii, USA”
In Hawaii, a leeward location under 2,800 feet elevation is suitable for growing coffee. Leeward Kula elevation of 1,800’ is an acceptable elevation.
Temperature is also key to successfully growing coffee. The best coffee growing temperature averages are 59F low to 77F high. Kula temperatures ideally fall within this range.
With adequate fertilizer and good management, coffee can be grown in full sun. Sunny mornings and cloudy afternoons are optimum for growing coffee, and these conditions exist in Kula.
Please find below a link to “Growing Coffee in Hawaii” published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa (CTAHR).
This research will provide you a detailed guide to soil preparation, varieties, irrigation, weed insect and disease management, growth and fruiting, pruning, harvesting, yields, and processing.
Please don’t hesitate to follow up with us if you have other questions or require additional information.