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Soil Testing

1 min read

Soil testing service us no longer done by the university.  Maui does have soil testing available on island and there is another option to send to Oahu for testing.

Simplot does soil testing for $55. It includes pH, N, P, and K, as well as copper, and salinity. Soil should be in a gallon Ziplock bag that is filled at least half full. Be sure to let them know what kind of grass or if there is anything specific you are trying to grow.

Here is the link to their site:

Simplot also can tell you what chemicals are licensed in Hawaii.

An alternative is Crop Nutrient Solutions on Oahu.

Here is the link to their site:

Soil samples must be sent directly from the individual and are not shipped from the Extension office, so you would need to initiate this process.

Crop Nutrient Solutions on Oahu accepts soil samples from Maui and is able to provide both soil test results and interpretation (at an additional cost) for Hawaii’s soil. Please see information below on submitting soil samples to them. Current price list and sampling instructions must be requested through the above link for Crop Nutrient Solutions.

  • S001C or S001CN are likely the most relevant for home gardeners.
  • Prices include priority mail from Oahu to the lab in Ohio, but shipments are consolidated into several samples in order to cover the cost of freight.
  • Consolidation results in a reporting turnaround time of 10-20 days after they receive a sample, depending in how quickly samples accumulate.
  • Expedited shipping costs an additional $12, resulting in an expected turnaround time of 7-10 days.
  • Interpretation and recommendation is $15/sample. For multiple samples of 5 or more, this is charged by the hour. That results in a cost of $5-7/sample.
  • Heavy metals pricing is on page four. They cannot interpret the results for Hawaii soil but can refer you to a local environmental scientist for this.
  • One cup of soil is needed for the S001C and S005C, send double that for additional tests. Remove any large chunks, roots, or debris before shipping soil.
  • Wet soil can be spread out over a clean plastic sheet and air dried with a fan overnight. Never heat soil to dry it, this will change the test results.
  • Samples can be mailed to Crop Nutrient Solutions: 41-027 Hilu St. Waimanalo, HI 96795

Attn: Pete Bunn

Here are other NAPT certified labs that accept soils from Hawaii include:

Brookside Laboratories –

Dairy One Soil Testing Laboratory

Dellavalle Laboratory Inc

Western Ag Professional Agronomy

Western Laboratories


JRS – 4.15.24

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